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A holistic framework against Cyber/Physical threats

7SHIELD result will be an integrated yet flexible and adaptable framework enabling the deployment of innovative services for cyber-physical protection of ground segments, such as e-fences, passive radars and laser technologies, multimedia AI technologies from CCTV cameras and UAVs, that

  • Enhance their protection capabilities
  • Integrate or interoperate with existing protection solutions already deployed at their installations, EU, national and other systems.

The framework will be open and will integrate advanced state-of-the-art technologies for data integration, processing, and analytics, machine learning and recommendation systems, data visualization and dashboards, data security and cyber threat protection and cyber-attack detection.

The technological solution is co-designed with first responders’ teams and contributes to policy making, standardisation and new guidelines for contingency planning. Social awareness is analysed and automatic messages are generated to the public.

The project will be evaluated and demonstrated in five installations of space ground segments through the performance of corresponding pilot use case scenarios.

Key results

7SHIELD framework will integrate 20 key results (technology bricks) that will be developed and refined during the project.

Prevention technologies

Risk assessment tools
Secure authentication mechanism
Combined threat assessment tool
Cyber and Physical Threat Intelligence

Detection technologies

Data collection and edge processing module
Face detection and face recognition module
Video-based object and activity recognition
Cyber attack detection framework
Thermal and near-infrared image processing for man-made threats detection
Detection of ground based and aerial intruders
Combined C/P threat detection and early warning module
Data Models for Combined Detection

Response technologies

7SHIELD Knowledge Base
Crisis classification module
Tactical decision support system
Social awareness and warning message generation
UAV neutralisation mechanism

Mitigation technologies

Potential impacts from C/P attacks and countermeasures knowledge base

7SHIELD Platform