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Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission

Private company


The Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) is an Independent Administrative Authority. It acts as the National Regulator that monitors, regulates and supervises:

  1. the electronic communications market, within which fixed and mobile telephony, wireless communications and Internet access providers operate, and
  2. the postal services market, within which postal and courier service providers operate.

Moreover, EETT is entrusted with the competences to act as the Competition Authority in the above mentioned markets.

[More information on EETT’s responsibilities here]

Role in the project

EETT being constantly involved in the work groups and activities of the European Regulatory and Technical bodies, such as CEPT WGs[1], RSPG[2], COCOM[3], BEREC [4]and ITU[5], brings on board expertise for all the crucial regulatory issues. In the frame of 7Shield, EETT will contribute among others to the design of system/sub-system solutions in the context of use case scenarios, the response and mitigation actions of physical and cyber threats, the evaluation of the current policy framework against to specific ICT solutions for the development of standardization strategies and policy planning, the dissemination and Impact creation activities.

[1] https://www.cept.org/

[2] https://rspg-spectrum.eu/

[3] https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/communications-committee

[4] https://berec.europa.eu/

[5] https://www.itu.int/en/Pages/default.aspx