Big Data from Space 2021
During the Big Data from Space 2021 virtual event organized by ESA, EU JRC and EU SatCen on 18-20 May, 7SHIELD partner SERCO participated in the “Platforms and Architectures” session with a presentation on “ONDA DIAS: a Cloud-based Platform to foster Exploitation of Geospatial Information” (the full paper is publicly available here).

ONDA is one of the Copernicus DIAS (Data and Information Access Services) providers having the aim of facilitating, fostering and expanding the exploitation of Earth observation satellite data and geospatial information. The platform enables users to build and operate applications by providing access to multipetabyte of data – free and open access to the Copernicus Sentinels family and Copernicus core services –, Cloud Resources – Computing and Storage capicity – and User Support. The ONDA characteristics were presented and demonstrated through a number of specific projects, highlighting the diversity of users and initiatives for which the ONDA platform is employed. A particular focus was brought to the 7SHIELD project.
In the context of 7SHIELD, the ONDA “big data” platform is one element of the space ground segments system that will be evaluated against cyber threat. On ONDA, all data, information, applications and transactions are securely protected and the ONDA solution provides the anti-Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. The security of the ONDA DIAS Cloud infrastructure and applications will be stressed out during a specific 7SHIELD Pilot Use Case “Cyber Attack on ONDA DIAS Platform”. To enhance the pre-crisis management for prevention of cyber threats, the ONDA ground segment adopts the innovative Single-Sign-On (SSO) service to ensure secure authentication, integrity and confidentiality of end user personal data. By adopting the microservices architecture to manage different technological component such as the modern cryptography, hybrid encryption and blockchain techniques, ONDA leverages the kubernetes software, a well known container orchestration solution for the cloud based “big data” community.