Second Newsletter (Part 3/3)
6th plenary Meeting
Our project’s 6th Plenary Meeting took place in Rome, Italy, from 12 to 14 July.
For the first time in this H2020 project, most of the partners could be gathered in a non-virtual room after a long period of travel restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. On the agenda, a session dedicated to the Pilot preparation plans and demos was discussed the first day, while the second day morning a technical session for the Cyber and Physical Scenarios specification and integration tests took place.

Participation in Conferences and Workshops
7SHIELD’s partners have been actively involved in several conferences and workshops that can be easily consulted through the project’s website. We present some of them listed below.
Space Tech Expo Europe 2022
From 15 to 17 November, our partner Deimos Engineering was attending the Space Tech Expo Europe event.
The conferences at Space Tech Expo Europe return for the 2022 edition of Europe’s leading space event. After an extremely successful 2021 show which saw the industry reconnect for the in-person show, this year the jam-packed three-day programme will continue to provide captivating sessions delivered by the industry’s most prominent thought-leaders.
Addressing the key topics which are shaping the sector today, the Industry and Smallsats Conferences will include topics such as space exploration, sustainability, the NewSpace market, downstream services and applications, cyber security, manufacturing capabilities, industry overview and much, much more.
Space Tech Expo Europe provides a platform for the supply chain to connect in-person and engage in face-to-face meetings with people from across the globe.

Our partner presented information on 7SHIELD and learned about our project.
Beyond 2022
SATWATS Ltd. presented its innovative products and EU-funded R&D projects at the International Exhibition BEYOND 2022, that took place from September 29th to October 1st, at TIF-Helexpo, in Thessaloniki, Greece. Beyond is the first international stage for Industry in Southeastern Europe, the Mediterranean and the MENA region and therefore addresses a wide audience, including representatives of more than 450 Municipalities and Communities. With more than 340 exhibitors, the visitors had the chance to broaden their knowledge on new technologies. At the Satways booth, the visitors had the opportunity to discover Satways’ products and the EU-funded H2020 projects that the company participates in.
The 7SHIELD project was presented throughout the day, together with the rest of the H2020 projects, at a dedicated screen at the Satways booth, while the company’s experts informed the guests about the scope and the outcomes of the project on Critical Infrastructure protection on the space-ground segment. Satways also gave to the booth visitors USB sticks that contained, among others, the leaflet of the 7SHIELD Project in digital form.

CERIS Annual Event 2022: Fighting Crime and Terrorism and Resilient Infrastructure
On 27-28 Sept 2022, DG HOME organized in Brussels the “CERIS Annual Event 2022: Fighting Crime and Terrorism and Resilient Infrastructure”. Ilias Gkotsis from SATWATS participated as panellist during the strategic discussion about “Market uptake of innovation stemming from research projects”.
During the panel session, the effective approach of 7SHEILD project was highlighted, focusing on the developments of SATWAYS (i.e. advanced technologies for physical and cyber threats prevention), also pinpointing how the project benefited from the Horizon Results Booster (HRB).
Further to the project and individual developments, the DOs and DON’Ts with regards to market uptake from research projects were discussed. Moreover, the goal of the Panel – the reduction of the distance between research and the market – was tackled by fostering the main differences between research and commercial products, and the processes and tools used to bridge the gap between these two worlds.
SATWAYS is proud of its contribution to both 7SHIELD and the CERIS annual event and takes this chance to thanks the organisers for the invitation to such an outstanding event.

From 18 to 22 September, our partners Space Applications Services, CS GROUP and Deimos Engineering and Systems were attending The International Astronautical Congress 2022.
The International Astronautical Congress 2022 was hosted in the beautiful city of Paris, France. Exceptionally, the IAC 2022 was from Sunday till Thursday, 18-22 September at the Paris Convention Center. The Hosting Organization is the Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES), a member of IAF since 1981. Paris hosted the first IAC ever in 1950, then in 1963 and lastly in 1982 and now holding the record of the city with most IACs hosted.
With the theme Space for @ll we wanted to make this IAC an outstanding occasion to bring together all space communities, alongside the burgeoning global ecosystem and start-ups, entrepreneurs, laboratories, research scientists and manufacturers that could get involved in space activities or benefit from them. Special attention was paid to students and young professionals, who were closely associated through dedicated events. And the general public was not be forgotten, as space-themed conferences and exhibitions accompanied IAC.

SpaceApps partner has presented the paper on “Improving ICE Cubes security resilience with 7SHIELD” during the session on “Cybersecurity in space systems, risks and countermeasures”, co-chaired by Mr Julien Airaud, from the 7SHIELD External Advisory Board.
A landmark event in infrastructure resilience, ICONHIC2022, took place on the 5-7 of July in Athens as an in-person event fostering dialogue and interaction between technical consultants, infrastructure contractors and operators, R&D providers, insurance and reinsurance firms, and Financial Institutions, International Organizations, and infrastructure investors.
Satways Ltd participated both in the Exhibition as well as in the Conference part of the event. Several focused presentations made in the booth of Satways, through which we had the chance to showcase how R&D can be exploited to develop sustainable, commercial, and operational solutions for managing natural disasters and reinforcing the resilience of critical entities. The demonstrations and presentations comprised the following systems developed by Satways, which are devoted to support and strengthen the protection of critical infrastructures:
- CIRP (Critical Infrastructure Resilience Platform), an IT system that allows consequence analysis for CIs combining natural risk and impact analysis models according appropriate and properly set workflows. A particular version of CIRP is delivered in 7SHIELD, aiming to support the CI operators in their tasks related to the preparedness phase. CIRP consider also the integration of natural and artificial risks, enabling the operators to assess the combined risk using appropriate “what-if” scenarios.
- ENGAGE, a command and control platform with incident management capabilities, which allows the operators to merge information and fuse data from a variety of sources. Satways contributes a specific version of ENGAGE, ENGAGE CSIM, to 7SHIELD. This is a multi-user, multi-role, multi-agency solution with a versatile modular architecture, supporting physical and cyber-related security data and tools, and bringing a great value to the ones aiming to achieve high levels of centralized operations.
- Motus and G-sense components. These are innovative devices developed by Satways in order to support rapid assessment of damages caused by earthquakes to buildings and infrastructures.
The above let Satways to present during ICONHIC22 a holistic solution for the protection of critical infrastructures, similar to the one offered in 7SHIELD, although focused on the case of natural hazards and earthquakes in particular. The demos of the above mentioned components and the presentation of the CIP solutions attracted the interest of the visitors and practitioners of the event, giving Satways the opportunity to present and disseminate the R&D work concerning the 7SHIELD project.

Recent & Upcoming Publications
7SHIELD partners are actively involved in European research activities and workshops and are advancing knowledge in several cutting-edge areas. You can find below their latest conference papers, publications and scientific papers.
Date | Title | Author(s) | Type of publication |
Accepted, final proof check by springer until 30/01/2023 | Solutions for Protecting the Space Ground Segments: From risk assessment to emergency response | Ilias Gkotsis, Leonidas Perlepes, Aggelos Aggelis, Katerina Valouma, Antonis Kostaridis, Eftichia Georgiou, Nikolaos Lalazisis, Vasiliki Mantzana | Conference |
28/07/2022 | Modelling and assessing the risk of cascading effects with ResilBlockly | Irene Bicchierai, Enrico Schiavone, Francesco Brancati | Conference |
22/07/2022 | Study on the Application of EfficientDet to Real-Time Classification of Infrared Images from Video Surveillance | Filipe Mendes, Armando M. Fernandes, Luis Fernandes, Fernando Piedade and Paulo Chaves | Conference |
01/04/2022 | A framework for Seveso-compliant cyber-physical security testing in sensitive industrial plants | Luigi Coppolino, Salvatore D’Antonio, Vincenzo Giuliano, Giovanni Mazzeo, Luigi Romano | Journal |
22/11/2021 | A MDE Tool for Security Risk Assessment of Enterprises | Schiavone, Enrico; Nostro, Nicola; Brancati, Francesco | Conference |
12/10/2021 | Sen4AgriNet: A Harmonized Multi-Country, Multi-Temporal Benchmark Dataset for Agricultural Earth Observation Machine Learning Applications | Dimitris Sykas; Ioannis Papoutsis; Dimitrios Zografakis | Conference |
08/10/2021 | Severity level assessment from semantically fused video content analysis for physical threat detection in ground segments of space systems | Gerasimos Antzoulatos, Georgios Orfanidis, Panagiotis Giannakeris, Giorgos Tzanetis, Grigorios Kampilis-Stathopoulos, Nikolaos Kopalidis, Ilias Gialampoukidis, Stefanos Vrochidis, and Ioannis Kompatsiaris | Workshop |
01/05/2021 | A social media analytics platform visualising the spread of COVID-19 | Stelios Andreadis; Gerasimos Antzoulatos; Thanassis Mavropoulos; Panagiotis Giannakeris; Grigoris Tzionis; Nick Pantelidis; Konstantinos Ioannidis; Anastasios Karakostas; Ilias Gialampoukidis; Stefanos Vrochidis; Ioannis Kompatsiaris | Journal |
If you are interested in the 7SHIELD project, please contact us at, visit our website ( and follow us on

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 883284